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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - One of Two Caches That Was Found in 1800's

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One of Two Caches That Was Found in 1800's
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 1:19 pm 

Joined:Sat Mar 13, 2004 1:49 pm
Location: Long Beach, CA
One is often referred to as the Deir el Bahari Cache DB320. This cache consists of some 36 mummies found in Thebes. The tomb is sometimes labelled as TT320

The other cache consisted of some 13 mummies found in the King's Valley in KV 35.


No 61051 Sequenenre-Tao II died in battle. The king had apparently been stabbed behind one of his ears with a knife or sword. His cheek and nose had been smashed, perhaps with a mace, and the large wounds visible above the king's right eye and on his upper forehead may have been inflicted with a battle axe. All of these injuries seem consistent with the kind of battlefield death.
Ikram and Dodson refer to a recent examination of the wound behind the king's ear which revealed that this injury had started to heal prior to the king's death, and therefore indicated that Seqnenre-Taa II had received it well in advance of the time when the other wounds to his head were inflicted. They mention the possibility that the king may have been injured in battle, and then assassinated while he was still recuperating.
Seqenenre-Tao was ca 1.70 m tall(5ft 7in) and had thick curly black hair.
No 61052Unknown Woman A, Probably (Ahmose)-Meryetamen I Described as a small old woman. The mummy is badly damaged and is missing its arms. Probably a daughter of Seqenenre Tao II. Both of Ahmose-Meryetamun's ears had been pierced, and remarked on the poor state of her dentition. She was elderly at the time of her death, and may have died as the result of a fall backward which produced a head injury still visible on her mummified scalp.
This mummy has been confused in the literature with that of Meryt-Amon II ,the daughter of Ahmose I and the wife of the 18th Dynasty king Amenhotep I. The mummy of Merytamen II was found in TT358.Her mummy indicates that she died in her thirties. To further confuse the issue, Merytamen II was mistaken for another Merytamen who was a wife of Amenhotep II.
No 61053 Ahmose-Inhapi daughter of Senakhtenre-Tao I and the wife of Seqenenre-Tao II. Ahmose –Inhapi was ca 1.69 m tall (5ft 6 1/3in). She is described as a stout youngish woman. The mummification techniques used on Inhapi bears some resemblance to those used for her husband Seqenenre Tao. As in the case of Seqnenre-Taa II, aromatic powdered wood had also been sprinkled over Inhapi's body.
No 61054 Lady Rai was supposedly a nurse of Ahmose-Nofretari. Lady Rai was a youngish woman who stood only 1.51 m tall (4ft 11 1/2 in). Her mummy is in very good shape.
No 61055 Ahmose-Nefertari died at ca 70 years of age. Ahmose Nefertari was the daughter of Sequenenre Tao and Queen Ahhotep. She was married to Ahmose and the mother of Amenhotep I. She was ca 1.61 tall (5ft 3 1/3 in)
No 61056 Unknown Woman B (Tetisheri?) This lady was a white haired, partially bald petite lady. She would have stood 1.57 m tall (5 ft 1 3/4 in). Tetisheri was the daughter of the nobleman Tjenna and his wife Neferu. She was the wife of Senachtenre Tao I and the mother of Seqenenre Tao II and Queen Ahhotep.
No 61057 Ahmose I died age ca 35 - 40. He stood about 1.64 m tall (5ft 4 1/3 in).
[n]No 61058 Amenhotep I[/b] Died in his 40s. The son of Ahmose and Queen Ahmose Nefertari was the second king of the 18th Dynasty.
No 61059 Siamun (2nd) son of Ahmose. Siamun died as a young child, and the mummy consists of a collection of bones.
No 61060 Sitamun daughter of Ahmose. This mummy consists of a bundle of reeds surmounted by a skull. She is probably a daughter of Ahmose and Ahmose-Nefertari. She held the title of God’s Wife.
No 61061 Ahmose-Henttimehu, probably a daughter of Seqenenre-Taa II and Ahmose-Inhapi. She was an old woman at the time of her death and must have lived into the reign of Ahmose. She stood a little over 1.52 m (4ft 11 3/4 in). She was a King’s Sister and King’s Wife (of Ahmose).
No 61062 Ahmose-Henttempet (Henutemipet?) is thought to be a daughter of Seqenenre-Taa II and Ahhotep I. She would have been a sister of King Ahmose. She reached an advanced age and must have lived into the reign of Ahmose. She stood ca 1.61m tall (5ft 3 1/2 in)
No 61063 Ahmose-Sitkamose, Perhaps a daughter of Kamose..She would have been ca 1.62 m tall (5 ft 7 3/4 in). Possibly received the title of God’s Wife posthumously.
No 61064 Ahmose Sipair. A son of Ahmose and his sister-wife Ahmose Nefertari. This peculiar mummy looks very distorted. The skin and only some of the bones remain.
No 61065 Tuthmosis I ? maybe someone else? Maspero thought he was over 50 at time of death, but recently examinations have shown he was only approximately 20 years old.. One recent theory, as noted by Ikram and Dodson, proposes that this mummy is actually that of Ahmose-Sipairi, the alleged father of Tuthmosis I. This man stood ca 1.55 m tall (5ft 3/4in).
No 61066 Tuthmosis II Son of Tuthmosis I and Queen Mutnofret. Tuthmosis II was married to Hatshepsut and was the father of her daughter Neferure. Died age 25-30? Smith noted that Tuthmosis II was practically bald and that the skin of his face was wrinkled, facts which made him conclude that the king was older than 30 when he died. No obvious cause of death was found during the examination of the mummy, but Maspero, Smith, Ikram and Dodson all report that the ruler's skin is covered with scab-like patches that may be symptomatic of some as-yet unknown disease which may have claimed his life. Smith, however, thought that the skin eruptions could have been caused post mortem by reactions of the tissues with the embalming materials. He stood ca 1.68 m tall (5ft 6 1/3in).
No 61067 Unknown Man C. This individual was fairly tall for his time. He would have been ca 1.74 tall (5 ft 8 1/2 in). His remains were found in the coffin of a scribe named Nebseni. This man in his late middle age was most likely a high ranking official from the early 18th dynasty. Some have speculated that this could be Senenmut (there is no evidence for that identification however).
No 61068 Tuthmosis III died at ca 65 years of age. He was the son of Tuthmosis II and Queen Iset. He stood ca 1.68 m tall (5ft 6 1/3in).
No 61076 Unknown Woman (Bakt?) These remains belong to a young woman of about 21 years. Tentatively dated to the 18th dynasty.
No 61077 Seti I He was the son of Ramses I and Sitre (or Tiy). The mummy of Seti I indicates that he was in his sixties when he died. The man may have died from complications resulting from a severe ear infection.
No 61078 Ramesses II He was the son of Seti I and Queen Mut-Tuy. He died in his 80s
No 61083 Ramesses III He was the son of Sethnakht and Tiye-Merenesse. He died at ca 65 years of age.


PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 7:44 pm 

Joined:Wed May 04, 2005 3:48 pm
Location: USA
Funny I originally wrote up the list that Osiris posted, and I realized that there are some missing from the Deir el Bahari list 8)

No 61087 Nodjmet Wife of the High Priest Herihor and possibly also the wife of Piankh. The age of Nodjmet at death is thought to have been between thirty and thirty-five.
No 61088 Maatkare-Mutemhet Daughter of Pinudjem I and Queen Duathathor-Henttawy. She was God’s Wife of Amen and Divine Adoratrix.
No 61090 Duathathor -Henttawy a daughter of Ramesses XI, Queen of Pinudjem I, Mother of Psusennes I.
No 61091 Tayuheret Chief of the Harim of Amen-Re. Possibly the wife of Masaharta, General and High Priest of Amun
No 61092 Masaharta General and High Priest of Amen at Thebes. He was a son of Pinudjem I
No 61093 Istemkheb daughter of the High Priest Menkheperre and the sister-wife of Pinudjem II,
No 61094 Pinudjem II Son of High Priest Menkheperre and his wife Isetemkheb. High priest of Amun at Thebes
No 61095 Nesikhonsu the wife (and niece) of Pinudjem II. She was the daughter of the High Priest of Amun Nesibanebdjedet and his wife Tahentdjehuty. She held the titles: “first chief of the concubines of Amen-Re, King of the Gods, majordomo of the house of Mut the great, lady of Ashru; prophetess of Anhur-Shu the son of Re; prophetess of Min, Horus, and Isis in Ipu; prophetess of Horus, lord of Diuef; god's mother of Khons the child, first one of Amen-Re, King of Gods; and chief of the noble ladies”
No 61096 Nestanebtishru A priestess of Amun - daughter of Pinudjem II, wife of Djedptahiufankh
No 61097 Djedptahiufankh "Second or Third Prophet of Amen-Re, King's son of Ramesses" husband of Nestanebtishru Names and titles on coffins, and texts of mummy cloths give the dates of Years 10 and 11 of Shoshenq I, and of his son Iuput A(?) (First Prophet of Amen-Re, General).
No 61098 Unknown man E This man was ca 1.71 m tall (5 ft 7 1/4 in). The man was not embalmed and sown into a sheepskin. He must have been a youngish man as his teeth were only slightly worn. No better date than “New Kingdom” has been given. Speculation about the identity of this individual has varied from Prince Zannanza to Prince Pentaweret.

NO Number assigned: Ramesses IX Probably the son of Prince Mentuhirkhopshef and Takhat, and a grandson of Ramses III.
NO Number assigned: Pinudjem I He was the son of Piankh, General and High Priest of Amen, and Nodjmet.
NO Number assigned: Ramesses I ? The mummy is that of a man 1.60 m. tall who died between 35 and 45 years of age. The body had been very well preserved using embalming techniques typical of the late 18'th-early 19'th Dynasties. The man may have died from complications resulting from a severe ear infection.

This information comes from William Max Miller's website and Dennis Forbes' book. I wrote down some pertinent information for each.

If you want detailed info about inscriptions on dockets and other info I would recommend Miller's website.


PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 7:50 pm 

Joined:Wed May 04, 2005 3:48 pm
Location: USA
Something else I noticed:

A mummy that had been missing and surfaced in the Niagara Falls Museum collection which was sold to Emory University's Michael C. Carlos Museum.
http://members.tripod.com/anubis4_2000/ ... messes%20I

The mummy's facial features resemble the early Ramesside kings, the mummy apparently dates to the late 18th early 19th dynasty.

BUT it also says:
The mummy is that of a man 1.60 m. tall who died between 35 and 45 years of age. The body had been very well preserved using embalming techniques typical of the late 18'th-early 19'th Dynasties

If he was 35-45 at the time of his death, then he was 8-18 at the time of the start of Horemheb's reign. and 4-14 years old when Tutankhamen died.
And he was a general and high ranking official at that age.

Not only that, Seti I is estimated to be 60 at the time of his death. He only reigned some 12 years. That would have made him several years OLDER that his own father???

The estimates can of course be wrong.

Or did they switch Ramses I and Seti I???

Any of you heard anything about this side of the story. I can't be the only one who has noticed this



PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:11 am 

Joined:Sat Mar 13, 2004 1:49 pm
Location: Long Beach, CA


PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:14 pm 

Joined:Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:20 pm
I have always found this cache interesting.........


One of Two Caches That Was Found in 1800s
PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:23 am 

Joined:Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:12 am
I looked for the guy but instead I found old posts of mine and also that the Sanne girl was Sewr. Its weird. Do you get that feeling? Its almost embarrassing.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:45 pm 
Tomb Robber

Joined:Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:34 pm
That is interesting its nice to read something like this.


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