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Casual sex or one-night stand
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:39 am 

Joined:Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:09 pm
Hi there! I'm looking for advice on the following. I have a nice family, I hang with good people, and I'm gonna get to go to a new school later this year where I can hopefully find potential partners who share my interests. The thing is that it's gonna be a while until I can get into the new school. I might not even make it in. It's gonna take even longer to find a potential partner once I settle in and even longer for the relationship to be sex-ready for both of us. I know I've posted a very similar discussion in the Newbies forum, but I'm shifting my focus to primarily casual partnerships, though I don't like to refer to it as "hooking up". I had a focus on having both a romantic and a sexual relationship but I decided to shift my focus since having such a complex relationship like that would be too much at this point in my life. It may take a long-ass time to get to know a possible partner or I may not even find one. Where else can I go to find casual sex partners? I know there are women out there with sexual needs just like me, and I would like to know a few other places to look. Thanks so much!


PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 2:31 pm 

Joined:Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:09 pm
[quote]Hi there! I'm looking for advice on the following. I have a nice family, I hang with good people, and I'm gonna get to go to a new school later this year where I can hopefully find potential partners who share my interests. The thing is that it's gonna be a while until I can get into the new school. I might not even make it in. It's gonna take even longer to find a potential partner once I settle in and even longer for the relationship to be sex-ready for both of us. I know I've posted a very similar discussion in the Newbies forum, but I'm shifting my focus to primarily casual partnerships, though I don't like to refer to it as "hooking up". I had a focus on having both a romantic and a sexual relationship but I decided to shift my focus since having such a complex relationship like that would be too much at this point in my life. It may take a long-ass time to get to know a possible partner or I may not even find one. Where else can I go to find casual sex partners? I know there are women out there with sexual needs just like me, and I would like to know a few other places to look. Thanks so much![/quote]
The nice answer!


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