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Great Pyramid and the Pleiades
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:28 am 
Tomb Robber

Joined:Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:38 pm
I believe that the Great Pyramid has a connection with the asterism of the Pleiades. I actually discovered this a few years ago. You may find posts on other forums that I wrote about it under various names. The thing is, the Peiades were seen as a key to getting to the afterlife. The dead king would have to pass through the Seven Hathors and state their correct names in order to get past. I suspect that the journey would then proceed to the region of the bull's head, Aldebaran and nearby stars.

My reasoning for this belief about the Peiades connection is that the two upper chambers match up perfectly to the two highest stars of the Pleiades just before they set in the western sky. The King's Chamber matches up with Atlas and the Queen's Chamber matches with Alcyone. Due to atmospheric extinction, the Peiades would only be visible at a few degrees above the horizon before disappearing. The matching does work at that altitude however, so the theory appears to be sound. Anyone can check it themselves with an astronomy simulation program. The statue in the Queen's Chamber niche would also be gazing westward toward those stars, since the niche is in the eastern wall. I suspect that a statue of Hathor would have been intended for the niche.


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