There are no accident's nor coincidences in life. Nothing happens by chance. Everything we perceive as suffering is really a wonderful opportunity to correct past mistakes or imbalances and move toward our ultimate goal of enlightenment.
Once we get the idea that we have created our own situation here in this earth school, we are able to ask why. What is my postivie lesson? What is this teaching me? Then at last we stop blaming others for our unhappiness and realize no one can limit our lives. We cannot change others, but we can change ourselves and move beyond any given situation. Every relationship and every experience is nothing more than an opportunity to grow through limitation.
Karma follows you from your very first incarnation and continues through out all succeeding lives. As you sow, you reap. What you build you have to pay off. Some souls wait two or three incarnations before they face former ties. But if you handle situations with love and awareness, you will not only transend your karma, but you will also free the other soul. It is on forgiving that you are forgiven.
The message of karma, in fact of all the earth plane existence, is learning to love yourself. As you fully love and honor the God within your own being, you fully love and honor the God within all being's. You can then never hurt self or another soul.
All of our lesson's evolve around self-love. To love self you must go beyond ego identification and attachments. The true self is the spiritual energy within, the creative power behind all forms. Love is the absence of fear, and fear is the last great illusion that seperates us from inner truth.
Peace out,