Pharaoh |
Joined:Mon May 09, 2005 9:22 am Posts:574 Location: The palace of Tutness!
Oh, Lord...this ought to be rich... Well, let's take this step by step, cause I got something to say about your analysis:
I agree that Horemheb might have been rather pissed about the lack of military activity during Akhenaten's reign, due to the fact that the Heretic pharaoh was also a PEACEFUL pharaoh, and did not really believe in violence, he believed that everyone was equal under the Aten. Horemheb could be frustrated by Akhenaten's vision, because the pharaoh was seen as weak in the militia department.
Secondly, I never heard of Ay using Horemheb...that's news to me, to be honest with you. It was suggested, when the craze about Tut being murdered was still going on--I don't know if it still is, given the CT scans and such--that both Ay and Horemheb could have conspired against the boy-king. Besides, Ay was old, and only ruled for 4 years, then Horemheb came to power. What would he have to complain about if Ay left the throne to Horemheb?
Next, Smenkhare was NOT Nefertiti, as recent studies suggest. There's the mummy in KV55 to be observed, and Nefertit's mummy was found somewhere else. (The Valley of the Kings, I think...I need someone to refresh me on that... ).
And finally, Tut. Well, true, he moved the capital back. But I think Horemheb saw Tut weak as well, like his father Akhenaten, and Horemheb felt that if something needed to be done right, you had to do it yourself. He was probably a strict and tough general, not exactly "Evil", but still might have been power-hungry.
That's all my opinions. And just because he started the Ramssiside line, doesn't make him "Evil". If THAT'S what you meant.