I read that the golden death mask of Tutankhamun was supposed to be him as Osiris. ^_^ And if you look at the tomb paintings, Tut is either depicted as Osiris ( Such as, Ay performing the opening of the mouth ceremony, Tut is depicted again as the mummified Osiris), or embracing Osiris. (Both of these are on the North wall of Tut's tomb). Tut and his ka greet Osiris near the end of the wall. The painting tells a story of Tut transfiguring into divination, and what's really interesting is--and correct me if I'm wrong--the story seems to move from East to West on the wall, like the course of the sun. But I agree with you on one note: Tut's burial was rushed, but the death mask was intended for him to look slightly different. Only to depict him as merging with Osiris. ^_^