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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - Science dispels long-pampered racial myths.

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Science dispels long-pampered racial myths.
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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 8:49 am 

Joined:Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:12 am
Notwithstanding the recent attempt to portray the young king tut as racially black, we now have the most accurate forensic data to reconstruct what the boy-king actually looked like--and surpise, he's caucasoid! Of course, this has nothing to do with racism, this has to do with hard facts. I know there are some people, especially in african american communities, who would like to represent the ancient Egyptians as black, but this is a fallacy. There's no doubt that some ancient Egyptians WERE indeed black, but as a general rule, Egyptians were more caucasoid than anyting.

So finally, the authorities have stepped in, conducted the most accurate scans to date and reconstructed the REAL face of Tutankhamun.




Using the CT scans… French forensic anthropologist Jean-Noël Vignal determined the basic measurements and features of Tutankhamun's face. Vignal deduced that Tutankhamun had a narrow nose, buck teeth, a receding chin, and Caucasian features. Such features are typical of European, North African, Middle Eastern, and Indian peoples.


PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 8:54 am 

Joined:Mon May 09, 2005 9:22 am
Location: The palace of Tutness!
You know...they changed Tut's face over the years to see what he actually looked like. If you've seen the Egyptian and American reconstruction of his face, they're all slightly different. It's actually fun to compare the facial features. ^_^; Or maybe I'm just bored? :shock:


PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 8:59 am 

Joined:Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:12 am
This is the most authoritative though.

By the way, I can't figure out why there's so much talk about Tut not being the "good looking king" that everyone has assumed he was. I think he was a pretty good looking chap according to this reconstruction. The only problem with his looks is the slightly elongated head.

Last edited by Hydarnes on Fri May 13, 2005 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.


PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:06 am 

Joined:Mon May 09, 2005 9:22 am
Location: The palace of Tutness!
I always thought he was a cute pharaoh-kid ^_^ They said he was a "sickly" youth, but these portraits took that theory and blew it all sky-high. He WAS a good-looking teen, who happened to meet an unfortunate end, and he was Akhenatan's son (Which would explain the slightly elongated head. :D ).


PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:07 am 

Joined:Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:00 am
Location: England
Arrrgh! Please don't argue about racial colouring. The French team had a skull to work on. They cannot possibly deduce skin tone from that. Besides which it is completely irrelevant.


PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:09 am 

Joined:Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:12 am
The skin tone is deduced by the clear caucasian features. Again, this has nothing to do with racism, this has to do with historical accuracy.


PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:15 am 

Joined:Mon May 09, 2005 9:22 am
Location: The palace of Tutness!


PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:33 am 

Joined:Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:12 am


PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:35 am 

Joined:Mon May 09, 2005 9:22 am
Location: The palace of Tutness!
Well put, Hydarnes! :lol: At least we're on the right track when it comes to that! :D Hehe.


PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 12:46 pm 

Joined:Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:36 pm
Location: Saqqara... someday...
Hmm.... The French reconstruction of Tutankhaten's face looks remarkably .. French. The lips and the cheek are what remind me of an atypical French face, or at least from what I know from French textbooks and my own family's facial features.

The new reconstruction looks like they took someone's head, added some makeup, and a bulge to the back of the cranium, for a mysterious, "authentic" feel.

I know it's wrong, and a stupid theory, but I believe this face was highly biased on French facial features. There are some very patriotic French, just as there are very patriotic Americans, or English. Is it possible that, even if on a subconscious level, Jean-Noël was striving for the glory of his country through the resemblance of the famed Tutankhaten to a standard, French face? I don't know... but that face just looks eerily familiar..!! :shock:


PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 1:18 pm 
Egyptian Architect

Joined:Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:53 pm
Location: Oregon
Actually...it looks more like Joan Crawford in Mildred Pierce...




PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 1:30 pm 

Joined:Mon May 09, 2005 9:22 am
Location: The palace of Tutness!


PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 2:01 am 

Joined:Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:00 am
Location: England
Notice that the parts of the face that suggest a French or Caucasian Tut are the parts of the skull that (comprising originally of cartilidge) have to be reconstructed by guesswork. These parts of the body include lips, nose, ears, eyes and brows.


PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 9:47 am 

Joined:Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:12 am
What is perceived as "French" could be highly subjective. To me, this new reconstruction looks enormously Egyptian.

Again, this reconstruction is based on the latest scans that we have of the King, and it is sanctioned by Hawass, head of Egyptian antiquities in Cairo.

Some guesswork will be involved, invariably, but we can also rely on statuary, masks and busts of the king to deduce a fairly correct portrait.

The fact is, the mummy showed clear caucasian features, and therefore, to implement these features in the areas that guesswork must be performed, it only makes sense to correspond with the data, unlike other reconstructions which have arbitrarily endowed royal Egyptian figures with negroid features.


PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 9:57 am 

Joined:Wed Jul 21, 2004 7:12 am


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