I'm making up a bit about this character but she's a character from a novel I'm reading, yo ^.^;;
Name: Mudnodjmet (shortened to Mutny)
Age: She's 2 years younger than Nefertiti.
Nationality: Egyptian (from Akhmim).
Social Status: Royalty.
Relatives (If any): She is Nefertiti's younger step-sister. She is married to the General Nakhmit. She has 2 children, Baraka and Nefertati.
Basic background/bio: Mutny was born to the Vizier Ay and was brought up in Akhmim then when Nefertiti became Chief Wife to Amunhotep IV, Mutny moved to the palace and assisted (or served) Nefertiti in everything as well as being sort of a Physician. Mutny fell in love with the General Nakhmit, who was sent to battle (to his death) by Akhenaten's orders. Mutny was poisoned and lost her child. After several years, Nakhmit returned, the two got married, had children and moved out of the palace. When Nefertiti mysteriously disappeared, Mutny came to live in the Palace to help care for her nieces (&Kiya's Tutankhaten, also, perhaps?) I made up most of the last bit but I hope this gives you an idea...
Location: Armana Place?
Political stance: Mutny remains faithful to Amun.
Occupation: Healer. Formerly "The Sister of the King's Chief Wife".