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Nefer Re
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:09 pm 
Tomb Robber

Joined:Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:44 pm
Or as we say in OZ, 'Gidday'.

My name is Malcolm and I have been studying the 18th Dynasty particularly, along with the language for nearly ten years. I have a number of books on Egyptian, my main reference being to "How To Read Egyptian" by Mark Collier and Bill Manley. No Egyptian grammar seems to cover all aspects of the language so I often have to look up Budge's Lessons, 'Decoding Egyptian Hieroglyphs' by Bridget McDermott, and Barry Kemp's 100 Hieroglyphs has also been a great help.

From my research I can only conclude that King David V (Twt) was the Missing Prince Twt Ms. That would mean that something very weird happened in Thebes during the Armana period. The Kebra Nagast identifies David as MenY El Ek (Ymn Twt Ankh), and the introduction by Budge quotes a legend which names his mother as Queen Eteye Azeb - Tiye (Translators forget to add the initial vowel 'E' to the name). Syllables are often reversed in writing, so Azeb could be Zeba or Sheba.

Forget the dna results hoaxed up by Hawass. They sound very contrived and we cannot accept them unless an outside gentecist such as Dr. Sykes of Oxford confirms them. But Hawass would not allow any true outside scientist examine the mummy. Therefore the Soleb memorial and the Kebra Nagast which also tells us that Ymn Htp III/ Ymn Salim III/ Salim Amen III - Solomon was the father of David/Menyelek - sound much more reliable.

The back of King Ymn Twt Ankh Hek Iunu Shma's chair links the two names, the latter and the Prince's name of Twt Ms. This is very clear and it is a wonder nobody has noticed it.

I have a number of pages in Multiply with very much more evidence.
I am sure that much more will be uncovered as time goes on, provided it is not destroyed by those with other interests which would be harmed by such finds.


PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:26 pm 

Joined:Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:26 am

Wow! Ten years is a lot of my work my friend! I am sorry but I am not following the names very well or what you are trying to prove. Could just be me as I am really tired at the moment! But I do agree, the Amarna period is shrouded in mystery! Were you talking about the transition after Akhenaten? Smenkhkare?


Would love to know more!


PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:47 pm 
Tomb Robber

Joined:Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:44 pm
I have always been interested in Ancient Egypt, but it wasn't until I read Ahmed Osman's "Out of Egypt" that I became besotted with trying to check this author's findings and find out more.

The World has always been fascinated by King Solomon and finding out that he was Ymn Htp III with possibly some of Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten/Moses mixed in, enticed me to look further and further. Consequently I not only checked Osman and discovered that he was absolutely right, but I found a few more pieces of the puzzle which have all fitted in.

Nevertheless every author on this subject has made the odd error or two, hence having to check every piece of evidence very carefully.

What we have all found is that most of the Bible Patriarchs were Egyptian Kings - Djoser (Joshua 1 Samuel and Joshua Exodus), Sheshi - throne name Ma'ibre/Ibram/Abraham, YYucheber - Abel (also Iuchabar in Irish Legend), Khyan - Cain (Also Kian in Irish Legend), Yakob - Jacob (Same name exactly), Dayhwt - David (Djeheuty is a mistranslation. The suffix Y according to my grammar simply means 'He Who Is'), Yuya - Joseph, Ymn Htp - Solomon (Htp means Peace and in Hebrew it was 'Salim' thus Salim Amen then Salomon), Nahor - Nahos. There are more but some need longer explanations.

I cannot place a link here to my pages, so first of all will tell you something of what I have and others have found.

Ralph Ellis is another brilliant researcher and his book "Jesus Last of the Pharaohs" shows a number of Egyptian Kings names in hieroglyphs and who they were in the Bible.

Jesus was only a spiritual Son of God to the Egyptians - but all the same miracles and stories, except they took place in Heaven, not on Earth. King Twt's tomb even shows him as The Holy Trinity, with the Ka carrying an Ankh for his sojourn through the Duat before resurrecting to his home in the stars. His Shrine names him RE HEPREW NEB. Forget the usual translation of 'manifestations' for 'Heprew'. It means 'coming into being', i.e. Creations.

Neb only means 'Lord' when it precedes the noun. In this case it follows the noun and therefore means 'All' - not Lord. You will see this mistranslated too at times.

We do know that Heprew is the origin of Hebrew - Robert Feather picked this up, but I then found that St.Augustine referred to Jesus many times as 'The Good SCARABaeus', as did St.Cyril, and St.Ambrose. They were all from North Africa so they knew the truth of the matter. The Scarab or Hepre is of course the hieroglyph in question.

The Egyptian name for Jesus was IWSA or IOSA or IUSA. It is stilled spelled 'Iosa' in Gaelic and you can check this on line at 'Read Many Versions of the Bible On line' - Gaelic Gospel of Mark - see verse 8:33.

The Greeks changed this to IESOUS and again you can check this at the same web site - Septuagint. This is in Greek, and I can help if you don't read Greek.

The Septuagint uses the name Iesous in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, but the KJV Bible deliberately mistranslates the very same name into Joshua in the OT. By checking the Septuagint for 1 Samuel 6, we find that the Greek for Joshua was not Iesous but Oise. So the translators must also have known the truth.

This means that there are passages in the Bible which tell us what was really happening in Egypt. Israel by the way was at that time Lower Egypt. They ruled the country and were there in great numbers. 1 Samuel 4 to 6 confirms this, since the capital Bethshemesh was Heliopolis or the holy city of Iunu/On. The story of what happened is repeated in Sumerian writings, so again we have some confirmation.

I have mentioned Cain and Abel in Irish legend, main difference being that in that account Abel and his brother Brian (possibley the Pharaoh Baion) kill Cain. But there is another very important Irish legend which tells us that Ireland was once invaded and conquered by a people called Tuath Dedanaan. Tuath they say was a name for the Underworld and Dedanaan was a goddess. It is so obvious. Tuath - Duat, and Dedanaan - Tatanen. So they were Egyptians and I can pick out their descendants in Ireland today. Besides there is a skeleton which was found in an Irish barrow wearing faience jewellery from Egypt and it has a dolichocephalous head - long skull just like that of Ymn Twt Ankh.

Have to leave it there for now.


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