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Ancient Egyptian Forum • View topic - Salve, citizens! ;)

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Salve, citizens! ;)
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:36 am 
Tomb Robber

Joined:Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:16 am
Hey! I've been skulking around picking up information on this wonderful forum full of such knowledgeable people, but since I keep wanting to intervene in certain conversations I decided to make an account because I have much questions, myself, being a little less learned in the Egyptian culture as most of the more senior members here.

So what is there to tell? I'm French, but prefer studying Egypt in English (something about feeling; I prefer the warm, familiar feeling that English gives Egypt rather than the cold and elegant atmosphere that French gives it... those who have read Christian Jacq will probably see what I mean. It's kind of silly to have such preferences I know, but well!)

I adore Egypt and Nubia; I'm not quite sure why I have a preference for those particular ancient cultures because they're all so frustratingly fascinating! But, that's how it is. Nubia is particularly interesting to me but there is so little to go on. I can't wait for more discoveries in that domain; for now I own a single yet seemingly all-encompassing book by Bianchi.

I'm studying those two cultures partly out of sheer curiosity and obsession, and partly for an eventual novel. Writing is what I do, though I don't know if I do it well because I've never really had much serious feedback.
Being a junkie of and the ROME series (and therefore extremely frustrated by the absence of following series/movies of the same quality), I want to write something akin to the style and pace of that series, but in Egypt from start to finish, hopefully with much more historical accuracy.

Ah, I'm talking too much again - that's more than you need to know, I'd wager. Thanks for reading - meet you in the forum!


PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:29 am 

Joined:Sat Jul 09, 2005 6:54 am
Location: Taunton, UK
Are you interested in the medieval christian nubian kingdoms - there only seems to be 1 book on them but it was interesting


PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:38 am 
Tomb Robber

Joined:Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:16 am
Hmm... While the whole intense slice of history where Christians waged war against the ancient religions fascinates me, it also grieves me a lot, so I don't really go towards books where people of ancient blood are suddenly christian because of the tragic circumstances - I know I'm wrong, because aside from the whole medieval Christian drama, there must be plenty of information about those Nubian kingdoms and the culture itself. ;)
Do you remember what the book was called? It's true, you really have to dig deep to find reliable Nubian information!

The Nubian history that interests me the most would rather be the whole of the Egyptian 12th Dynasty where their territory was (forcefully?) occupied and controlled. It's a part of history that can be traced through the egyptian fortresses around the 2nd cataract, but on the Nubian side you never really hear what's going on. What the hell was their relationship with the egyptians, after all, if so many years of economical and military friendship ended in a military expansion campaign? Lots of articles make it sound like the Nubians practically willingly surrendered their land; or at least didn't make a great fuss about it. That's the piece of history I'd really like to learn more about - those two cultures have such an intriguing relationship, and yet it's so sporadically mentioned that you're under the impression that one century, they're trading and immigrating, next century, their fighting over natural ressources and territory and walling up their borders, next century, the Nubians practically worship their supposed conqueror ... weird stuff. So many holes in the military plot that a writer's got to feel excited :lol:

Thanks for the reference!


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