As a child I didn't speak at all and I didn't smile for anyone. My Mother said that I looked as though I had the whole world on my shoulder. Actually, she thought I was a note or slow lol. So, with that being said, I can't say I was one of those children who spoke of a past life.
Although, growing up and still to this day I have always been intruiged by certain things in relations to Ancient Egypt even before I knew anything about Ancient Egypt. So, I assure you, before you dismiss my claims, that I am being 100% honest in everything I share with you all.
One of the very first things I can vividly remember, as a child, is loving the sound of gravel as I walked on it or the way it would crackle under moving tires. Could this be in relation to the sound of chariots riding in the desert? Of course how the sound of horses galloping is exciting to me. I have always loved the water on this Earth, the way it moves and the cool breeze it brings with it. When I was 8, I had been given seeds to grow various plants, fruits and vegetables. I was so excited I came up with a plan to plant watermelon. The plan was to place an old wooden ladder down and place a seed in each section. I successfully grew small watermelons, with no help, which eventually rotted in the Arizona desert heat and my ladder had been taken over by termites. Maybe, I have a hidden agricultural skill like the Ancient Egyptians?
Architecture is what really drives me though. I am naturally artistic and I have keen eye for beauty. Which brings me to the first time I ever seen the Luxor Hotel in Vegas. I can't really explain the feeling. Even though I was 500 miles away from it I could feel it's energy. Pyramids are the most beautiful architecture, I think, I mean my favorite shape has always been a rhombus which is 2 triangles put together! Growing up my favorite thing to draw, besides cars and trucks, was buildings and floor plans. I am strange.. I know.. I thought I was different at very young age. I had an obsession with the sky, besides thinking the sun and moon were following me, I wondered what was beyond outer space? I imagined we were just dust in a glass ball and God kept us in his cabinet as as a collection, or that once you reach a certain point in space everything would just turn white. I don't know if that's a common thing for a kid to think about? Now that I'm older I am interested in time travel, astrology, numerology, etc.
If I was reincarnated, I definitely came from the golden era. The fact that I recently saw, thanks to google, that I resemble Amenhotep III statues a great deal from his facial structure, muscle tone, to the fingers and toes. Or could I be a descendent of the long lost Ankhesenamun? Could she have ran away? If she did; Did she goto Asia or Spain? Theoretically so because I am half asian and because, as disgusting as it sounds, there are 2 members, I know of, from my Asian family that are birthed from incest. These are 2 different occurrences by different people in my family. One is mutated and the other is perfectly normal. But that has to be thousands of years of incest to reoccur centuries later as if it was a genetic disorder. Which the Ancient Royal Egyptians were known for incestuous behaviors. I was also thinking Spain because my Great Grandpa was a conquistador and that is the side of the family with the incest gene for sure.
Do you think she may have wrote to the Hittite King to send a prince as a distraction for her get-a-way?
I hope whoever is reading this doesn't judge me for speaking about my incest family members. I just wanted to share my thoughts with you for the sake of science and to raise new question's about the Ancient Egyptians. After all these years their god-like presence is still strong.