I am retired aviation engineer. I like Egyptology specially the religion aspect , I want to discover the real meaning of the symbolic images of the Hieroglyph language . After a long time of years of study and investigations , I reached these results : My discoveries 'This is my discoveries in HIEROGLYPHIC LANGUAGE 1- I discovered the original letter “L”.( Hieroglyphic ) 2- The actual source of the name " Pharaoh " . 3- The actual source of the name " Miser " ( Egypt ). 4- The decoding of the symbolism of Egyptian Mythology . 5- Moses's Monotheism is exactly like AkhenIten's Monotheism. 6- The proper pronunciation of " Moses " is Mos-sy by Egyptian tongue and by Hebrew tongue "Moshea " . 7- The most important discovery is that : The Ten Commandments is written by Egyptian Hieroglyphic language as a matter of fact there was no Hebrew Language(writing system)in this particular time.