This is one of those fun threads that can be educational, but usually end up in alot of laughter.
It's sort of an RPG. Just pick a god/dess from any ancient panthenon(well,preferably Egyptian/Greek/Norse) Sign up for an act and I(Idunn) interview them.
Opening credits, greeting applause, general stuff for the PanPantheon Channel. That caters straight to Mt.Olympus, Asgard, and Underworlds of all kinds. May not be broadcasted in lonely corners of the universe.
[color=green]Hi, and welcome to the first episode. Hopefully it's not as bad as I think it is. You all probably know who I am. I am Idunn, Aesir goddess, I grow apple trees. A giant tried to kidnap me and Loki is mean. I married a guy name Bragi, a couple of years back. Poet, son of Odin &Frigga. Now it's time to introduce the people here.[/color]
[color=green]The guys behind me are sons of Apollo. They head are music team, and the guy by the door is head of security. Forseti, son of Baldur & Nanna. Justice god. Just in case.Giants are mean![/color]
Goes to commericial for apple cidar.
Idunn goes backstage. She asks Forseti. "Who's the guest line-up?"
She says. "Oh, there are sandwiches on the table over there."
He shakes his head. "I mean people,Idunn."
She says. " to make some last minute phone calls."Idunn dashes off to do just that.
Forseti sighes. "I could have stayed home and beat Heimdall at Age of Mythology but No...I had to do my mother a favor."