Individuals have long had a fascination with ancient Egypt. This is one of the time periods that historians have long had an interest due to the fascination with the pyramids, the pharaohs, biblical interest, and other things that appeal to historians and scholars.
An Ancient Egyptian who has gotten some interest from scholars of Egyptian history is Isetnotfret II. Other names for this person are also Isis-nofret and Isitnofret. She was a Royal wife of a pharaoh in Ancient Egypt. It is known that Isetnotfret II lived during the time period of the 19th dynasty of Egypt.
Isetnofret II was the Royal wife of the Pharaoh Merenptah. Isetnofret II or ‘Beautiful Isis’ as the translation goes, had various titles throughout her life. Another title was the ‘Great Royal Wife.’ She was also known as the ‘Lady of the Two Lands.’ These were just a few of the many others that were given to this Ancient Egyptian. Her domain was Upper and Lower Egypt. It is uncertain who her parents were, but her father may have been Ramesses II or even Prince Khaemwaset, and her mother was possibly Isetnofret. This would likely be the case if she was known as Nesetnofret II.
Although ancient Egyptian history is sketchy, her children most probably were known to be Prince Sety-Merenptah, an executor of the Head of Two Lands who is unnamed, and Prince Khaemwaset D. There is a depiction of this son in Karnak’s Temple. A daughter by the name of Princess Isnofret II may have also been a member of the family. This particular name was cited on the ship log Leiden.
Other things that Isetnofret II may have been known for is the fact that she grew up during the reign of Ramesses II. She is also depicted on a statue of Amenhotep III and is shown on various stellas located throughout Egypt and today in many galleries. It should be reemphasized as previously mentioned, that Isetnofret II also being named as the Beautiful Isis, and was lovingly depicted on the tributes of many of the stellas and statutes that have graced Egypt.
It is currently a mystery where Isetnofret II died or where her body was laid to rest. One possible burial site for this pharaoh’s wife would be Saqqara as this is where the daughters of Khaemwaset are buried. Archaeologists have recently unearthed the tomb of a royal lady in Saqqara with an associated name of Isetnotfret. This was found during recent excavations of the site. Until further information is found about this individual, Isetnotfret II’s life and burial information will remain a mystery.