Deir el-Bahri is located on the west bank of the Nile River. There it sits greeting spectators as they enter the Valley of the Kings. The site is comprised of three temples, the Mortuary Temple of Mentuhotep II, the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, and the Mortuary Temple of Thutmoses III. Of all the temples present, the most viewed and admired is that of Hatshepsut.
Mortuary Temple of Mentuhotep II is called Akh Sut Nebhepetra, which means, “Splendid are the places of Nebhepetre.” This temple is the best preserved structure of the Early Middle Kingdom and it sits southwest of Hatshepsut’s Temple.
The temple of Mentuhotep II is recognized as one of the first temples in Thebes. Because of this it has undergone many excavations. This temple was excavated by the Egypt Exploration Fund, by the Metropolitan Museum, and by German archeologists.
This temple was once believed to have had a pyramid and is one of Egypt’s more popular sites. Hatshepsut’s temple is centered at the bottom of surrounding cliffs. The appearance is dramatic and the temple is architecturally supreme.
The temple complex is known as Djeser-Djeseru meaning “the sublime of sublimes.” It was drafted and constructed by her architect Senemut. The temple was done to honor Amun, but other gods were honored there as well. The site consists of colonnaded terraces and ramps that lead to each tier of the temple. These ramps were once believed to have gardens. The total height is of this temple is 97 feet tall.
Though not as prominent as Mentuhotep II’s and Hatshepsut’s temples, Thutmose III built a temple complex there too. His temple was dedicated to Amun. The temple was abandoned after it was damaged by a land-slide.