Ancient Egyptian gods “R”
Re, Re-Harakhty: He was considered the solar god of ancient Egyptians and came to fruition around the Early Dynastic Period. He was probably the most popular of the solar gods. His cult took on the attributes and mythology of other temples. His cult followers were mostly concerned with things such as health, children, and virility. The sun had different names for different times of the day and was known as Khepri at dawn, Re at noon, and Atum at night. Eventually he also became associated with the god Horus who was then called Re-Harakhty or Re-Horus. Re is depicted as a falcon-headed sun god who takes on the form of Re-Harakhty which is the morning aspect of the deity. Re’s most important cult center was in Heliopolis, the city of the sun. In addition, he held the title of the “Living King.” Fifth Dynasty rulers had special buildings known as sun sanctuaries erected to worship him. The most impressive erections completed on his behalf are the obelisks – their gilded tips were defined as the seat of the sun-god. The most famous temple built for Re-Harakhty was under Ramses II in Abu Simbel and thereafter Regular reflections depicted as “Son of Re” are recorded from the middle of the Fourth Dynasty. During the Old Kingdom, kings believed they could assume the powers of Re; therefore, the kings were then thought to be the physical sons of this god. This concept continued throughout the ancient Egyptian history to where Alexander the Great believed that he was the son of Re.
Renenutet: She is depicted as a serpent shaped goddess over harvest and fertility and is known as the goddess of good fortune. Her cult took place during the Twelfth Dynasty, most prominent in the Faiyum, and also in Thebes during the New Kingdom. She had a temple erected in the Faiyum and was also associated with gods such as Hathor and other gods who concerned themselves with harvests, fate, and childbirth.