
Ancient Egyptian gods “K”

Khepri, Khepera, Kheper, Khepra, Chepri: This god is depicted as a scarab beetle although in some instances he is in human form with a beetles head. He is known as the cyclical renewal god whose behavior in maintaining the dung balls represents the forces which stir and move the sun. Ancient Egyptians thought that scarab beetles were made from dead matter because of the laying of their eggs in various dead animals and then the beetles suddenly emerging to life. This practice associated Khepri with rebirth, renewal, and resurrection. He is also known to be responsible for the daily rising and other aspects of the sun. He was also shown rolling the sun along the sky and pushing the moon along the sky.
Khonsu, Khons: He is usually depicted as a mummified figure with the symbol of the moon on his head and is known as the ancient god of healing. His name meant “Navigator” and is often associated with the god Thoth. He is known as a youthful god and as the son in the Theban Triad or divine family. In the beginning he was known for both the bringer of misfortune and also as a protective deity. Later on he became known as the lord of life. A major shrine on his behalf was constructed at Ombos. Ancient Egyptians flocked to this shrine for healing. He is portrayed as a young man with a hawk’s head or as a lad with the traditional lock of youth.